The Value of Top-of-Mind
The goal of all marketing; to be known before needed.
By being known, you will occupy the top rung on the ladder of importance in your category. In other words, you want to be the customer’s first preference. This is called MIND SHARE.
MIND SHARE EQUALS MARKET SHARE, as 86% of consumers are likely or very likely to do business with the first company they think of when they have a ‘triggering event’ in their life.
80% of “Branded” Google searches click the business searched.
94% of “Unbranded” searches are garnered by the organic results with 75% going to the top 5 results and 33% to #1.*
Yes, Google is important, almost critical, as is your SEO/SEM; however, if you’re known before you’re needed, you will be brand searched and garner 80% of the business.
That 80% without a preference represents your future customers when you brand your business with services from our company.
Now is the time to start because, on average, only 20% of consumers can verbalize a preference when it comes to most product categories.

The Harvard School of Business determined that every consumer goes through four stages in a buying cycle after a triggering event. First, we become AWARE of our need or desire for a product or service. Second, we become INTERESTED in business. Third, we build up a DESIRE to satisfy our triggering event and four we take ACTION.
The length of the BUYING CYCLE depends on your business and can be anywhere from a few days to a month and even years, depending on the complexity of the decision and the money required.
Radio’s intrusive nature reaches future customers throughout all phases of the buying cycle; before they have the TRIGGERING EVENT.
It is a simple premise; the prospect must know you before they need you. They will know who you are and what you can do for them before the price ever becomes an issue.

4 Keys to Effective Branding

The first key is to be consistent. That is how you create awareness or Mind Share. That’s how you catch these new customers when they have the triggering event. Advertising is like exercise, it must be done regularly to be effective.

You must use an advertising medium that reaches enough people over time to positively affect your business. Reach is the total number of different people that will hear your message during the life of the campaign.

Frequency is all about repeating your message over and over. This is critical because we live in an over-communicated society. The average consumer is bombarded with over 5,000 commercial messages every day. Mostly for products and services we don’t need at the time, as we haven’t had a triggering event to create that need. The brain classifies this as ‘non-essential’ information and quickly forgets over 90% within days.

Compelling Creative
The fourth and possibly the most important Key to Branding Success is having a compelling creative message. This is, after all, what the consumer will hear and ultimately remember about your business.

Business Building Blocks
For Success
Source: Harvard Business School
Eight Characteristics of the
Best Performing Local Advertising

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Advertising Across Multiple Platforms Increases ROI
Incremental ROI by Adding Platforms

How to read: Advertising on 2 platforms increases the ROI that you would achieve by advertising on 1 platform +19%. Advertising on 3 platforms will increase ROI +23% more than advertising on 1 platform.